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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
The Bradford's <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 19 Apr 1998 12:54:09 -0500
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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
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Automatic digest processor wrote:

> Subject: LACTNET Digest - 16 Apr 1998 to 17 Apr 1998 - Special issue
> Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 19:00:15 -0400
> From: Automatic digest processor <[log in to unmask]>
> Reply-To: Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
> To: Recipients of LACTNET digests <[log in to unmask]>
> There are 14 messages totalling 379 lines in this issue.
> Topics in this special issue:
>   1. bedside co-sleeper (3)
>   2. D.C. Metro area tv show
>   3. Fw: "go and sin no more"
>   4. Breastfeeding Tips on Moms Online-was re: hydrogen peroxide
>   5. Co-Sleepers
>   6. Recommending and Selling Hydrogel
>   7. Passing on information
>   8. Need help
>   9. atten ibcle studenten
>  10. I have sinned/ penance
>  11. more penance
>  12. update on toddler not gaining (HRS)
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> For further help, write to Lactnet Listmoms at:
> Kathleen B. Bruce BSN, IBCLC [log in to unmask]
> Kathleen G. Auerbach Ph.D, IBCLC [log in to unmask]
> [log in to unmask]
>  See details at
>                                                   ------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Re: bedside co-sleeper
> Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 10:45:12 -0400
> From: Laura or Scott Barmby <[log in to unmask]>
> I have not used these products or really recommended them because to me
> they are designed for very short term use.  They do not give much room for
> baby to grow (at least not for mine which were 18lbs + by four months!)
> What I have recommended to women, (or their husbands) who were reluctant to
> have the baby in bed for fear of overlaying it  is to either put mom in the
> middle and baby by the side with a bed rail; or to bring the crib up next
> to the bed, drop the rail and remove casters on the leg to lower the crib.
> They can lower the mattress so that it is bed height so mom can be close to
> baby and just pull it over to nurse on the adult bed
> What I have found is that after doing this arrangement the baby spends so
> much time in the adult bed anyway that the parent who had been reluctant to
> try this gets used to the baby being there and they end up with a family
> bed.  Case in point is my best friend,( who I didn't think would breastfeed
> for very long in the first place and whose husband regarded her breasts as
> his property!),tried breastfeeding, and at my suggestion, the above
> mentioned crib/bed arrangement and is now still nursing her 18 month old!
> She and her husband just sat down with the baby's grandparents and told
> them "the baby is going to nurse until she is ready to wean and she will
> continue to sleep in our bed as long as she wants!"
> So my thinking is however you can get them to try it, after a "break in
> period" for the parents, they will often prefer sleeping with their baby
> near by and most will nurse longer as well, in my opinion.
> Laura Barmby
>                                                   ------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: D.C. Metro area tv show
> Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 10:57:33 -0400
> From: Laura or Scott Barmby <[log in to unmask]>
> As promised, here is the call in number: (703)912-1430.  Calls will be
> taken after 10:10 am until 11:00am on Monday,   April 20.
> If anyone wants to call and say how great breastfeeding is, or how
> important it is to help moms in the workplace as well as at home, please
> call.
> Laura
>                                                   ------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Fw: "go and sin no more"
> Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 07:49:33 -0000
> From: litthome <[log in to unmask]>
> ----------
> > From: litthome <[log in to unmask]>
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > Subject: "go and sin no more"
> > Date: Thursday, April 16, 1998 10:56 PM
> >
> > Sorry Rob, I can't do the real thing...but my suggested penance is a
> > scavenger hunt to remove all the ABM ads and taking lots of $$$$ to the
> > vendor area of any BF conference you attend this year to replace them
> with
> > more suitable messages!  (and mugs from the previously much discussed
> > restaurants DON'T count!)BTW, would any of you be willing to share what
> you
> > plan to go to this year?  I'm hoping to put some faces to these names!
> >
> > Peggy Litt
> > (planning since last year to go to Santa Fe in July but sorely tempted to
> > go to AZ instead!!!)
> >
> >
>                                                   ------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Re: bedside co-sleeper
> Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 10:15:23 -0500
> From: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
> Laura, I loved your story!  And your approach to the reluctant ones.  I've
> seen this happen too.  I must remember to trust that the parents will, in
> time, fall in love with baby, and will change their expectations radically.
> Patricia Gima, IBCLC
> Milwaukee
> mailto:[log in to unmask]
>                                                   ------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Breastfeeding Tips on Moms Online-was re: hydrogen peroxide
> Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 00:03:56 -0400
> From: Andrea Eastman <[log in to unmask]>
> Hello!  I am the new Breastfeeding and Childbirth Education Pro for Moms
> Online WWW.  I have contacted the appropriate people about removing
> potentially harmful tips.  She agrees and will remove several of them
> soon.
> For future tips, the new review process will be this -- they will be
> sent to me for "verification", and then I send them to several other
> people.  If we all
> agree, then the tip goes online.  If we don't, the tip is turned down.
> I apologize for not catching this sooner - I have been very busy
> answering questions in my WWW folder, as well as helping with the AOL
> folder.  If you see any other tips that concern you, please contact me
> privately, and we'll do something about it!
> If any of you would like to submit your favorite tips, they would be
> greatly appreciated.  Several of the ones online currently will soon be
> deleted.  Please help replace them with good, accurate, safe
> information!
> Moms Online WWW:
> Moms Online Breastfeeding Tips WWW:
> :-)
> Andrea
> --
> Andrea Eastman, MA, CCE
> Granville, Ohio
> mailto:[log in to unmask]
> Gentle Birth Alternatives
> “The only thing new in this world is the history you don’t know.”
> - Harry Truman
>                                                   ------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Co-Sleepers
> Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 09:21:55 -0400
> From: kym smythe <[log in to unmask]>
> Hi Rob et al,
> I've worked with several moms of multiples who have used the
> co-sleepers.  They really like them.
> One particular family has twins on monitors.  They have the units
> on the floor beside the co-sleeper.  They all sleep so much better.
> When there is a true alarm, they are right there.  For all those
> false alarms, mom and dad don't wake up and run across the hall for
> nothing then find themselves unable to sleep for all the adrenalin.
> Aside from being helpful for people that are fearful of sleeping with
> their babies, they really help when the parent's bed is too small to
> comfortably accomodate everyone all night.
> My twins and I spent lots of time in one in the exhibit hall at ILCA
> last year.  We enjoyed it and wish we had one!
> Our .02,
> Kym, Kendall, and Carlie
> New Castle, DE, USA
>                                                   ------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Recommending and Selling Hydrogel
> Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 09:06:10 -0400
> From: kym smythe <[log in to unmask]>
> Greetings from rainy, breezy New Castle, DE, USA.
> We have been unable to find hydrogel in drug stores and can't even
> persuade anyone to order them around here.  I've received some samples
> and am considering carrying them myself.  I've heard some rumblings
> that doing so may cause me to incur too much liability.
> Does anyone have any thoughts on the matter?  How might it differ from
> the liability in carrying L------h or other such products?
> Anyone have any wisdom in persuading local pharmacies to carrying
> hydrogel products?
> Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, Kym
>                                                   ------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Passing on information
> Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 11:09:53 -0500
> From: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
> It is fine to pass on information from Lactnet to your clients, but I'd
> like to remind everyone that anything that is passed on, or printed, even
> with permission, should be done so _without_ the e-mail addresses of
> Lactnetters.
> Mothers with breastfeeding problems need to be in contact with a local
> breastfeeding specialist when being treated. By-mail consultations are not
> satisfactory.
> Patricia Gima, IBCLC
> Milwaukee
> mailto:[log in to unmask]
>                                                   ------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Need help
> Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 12:16:37 -0500
> From: "Katherine A. Dettwyler" <[log in to unmask]>
> I've been contacted by a woman facing legal charges involving extended bf,
> among other things.  One of the issues is whether or not children who are
> sick can tolerate breast milk/breastfeeding even when they can't/won't take
> other foods.  If anyone has anecdotal stories or research studies that
> discuss this issue, please send them to me by private email as soon as
> possible.  Thanks.
>         I know there has been some discussion about this before, but could
> not find it via the search function.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------
> Katherine A. Dettwyler, Ph.D.                         email: [log in to unmask]
> Anthropology Department                               phone: (409) 845-5256
> Texas A&M University                                    fax: (409) 845-4070
> College Station, TX  77843-4352
>                                                   ------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Re: bedside co-sleeper
> Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 15:19:10 EDT
> From: Singdoula <[log in to unmask]>
> About the question Robert Cordes posted re: the co-sleeper
> We were about to purchase it, but found the size too small for our babies (
> our kids are huge and will sleep with us till age 3, even 4!) We have a king
> size bed against two walls. The open side is protected with an in expensive
> bed guard. Instead of the co-sleeper (for the same price) we invested in a
> simple twin day bed that's only open side is pushed to the foot of our king
> size bed. It is EXACTLY the same lenghth as is the width of our king
> size.....yes, our room is literally a BED room, but we can have a choice of
> having babies on each side of the king size, or on the daybed..... Or leave
> the babies on the King, and mom and dad snuggle on the twin. Several of my
> clients have tried this same arrangement and LOVE it. The great thing is that
> eventually you'll have an extra twin bed for a child or guests.  We have never
> had to use a crib or bassinet!
> good luck,
> Adriana Samargia Kaufman, PLA
>                                                   ------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: atten ibcle studenten
> Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 16:19:33 EDT
> From: CBrussel <[log in to unmask]>
> anyone planning to take the test want to have a side conversation? anyone who
> has taken the test wish to offer suggestions/advice/etc.? I know, take the
> seminar. i'm working on it. meanwhile, back to your regular channel restored
> to service after giving us a brief sample of life without lactnet.
> email me privately at
> [log in to unmask]
> carol
> ps alright, i confess, i killed lactnet by trying to post a smart*** response
> to dr. rob's smart*** remarks
>                                                   ------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: I have sinned/ penance
> Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 17:19:46 -0400
> From: Robert Cordes DO <[log in to unmask]>
> I think I made up for my sin.
> I saw a 2 month old NICU grad who was a slow gainer/weak feeder.
> In the past he didnt seem to suck strong enough to stimulate mom's production. He was breastfeeding then getting expressed milk which was fortified to 24 cal/oz (assume 20cal/oz BM)
> Now he BF and gets 1 once of expressed milk 3 times a day to help
> get down his apnea and reflux meds. He's gaining 1.5 onces a day!
> I also saw a thriving 2 week old who wont latch. He's weel over BW on just expressed milk. Mom pumps 10 onces every 3 hours. I fixed him.
> Actually one of my nurses did the direct fixing but I told him what every doc learns in residency. Dont mess with the nurse.
> BTW I do periodically check my office for anti-BF material and throw it out. This includes some popular baby magazines.
> -Rob
>                                                   ------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: more penance
> Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 17:22:40 -0400
> From: Robert Cordes DO <[log in to unmask]>
> I know a nurse who has gone from asking me about weaning to asking about BF through her pregnancy. Her OB doesnt like the idea.
> I gave her info from Ruth Lawrence's text and from the BAB.
> I also suggested she ask her OB why he doesnt like it and his proof for his opinion.
> That's kind of Dr Jack-ish of me isnt it?
> -Rob
>                                                   ------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Re: update on toddler not gaining (HRS)
> Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 18:58:47 EDT
> From: PatIBCLC <[log in to unmask]>
> The toddler, now 15 months old, that I've been working with for the past six
> months has finally started gaining after not gaining for 7 months.  She was
> the baby who HRS had hospitalized with diagnosis of FTT.  She had been
> hospitalized for a week and had all types of test which showed no clue to why
> she had stopped gaining weight.  HRS concluded it must be due to neglect on
> the part of the mother. At that time, she had little interest in eating though
> she did enjoy nursing frequently (HRS felt if the mother would stop
> breastfeeding or limit it and feed more, baby would gain).  After mom got her
> out of hospital, she changed doctors to my office and we have been doing
> weekly weight checks and working with mom to get this child gaining since.  I
> think it's been about a month ago that I posted her estimated caloric intake
> of about 750-800 calories per day and her weight was then 14 lbs. 1 oz.  She
> was taking in about 15 oz of breastmilk in 24 hr (used Baby Weigh Scale) and
> another 350-450 calories of solids.  Still no gain.  She then had her second
> ear infection in about three months, the first of which followed her hospital
> stay.
> So many of you responded to that post.  It was incredible!   Several made the
> suggestion that maybe the problem was due to allergies.  I was starting to
> think along these lines myself with the second ear infection.  I shared all
> your post with the mother and we agreed that two foods should be removed from
> her diet, dairy and peanut butter.  Peanut butter was replace with almond
> butter.  In the past 2 weeks, she has gained a whole pound!
> When I shared her weight gain with the Dr. Carr  (the doc that I work for who
> was willing to go to court for this mother if HRS didn't back off), he was so
> excited that he almost did back flips. He said we should write a paper about
> this case entitled, "Just because you smell dog poop, Doesn't mean there's
> crap"  and be sure that HRS gets a copy of it.
> Thanks so very much to all of you who offered suggestions and encouragement.
> Special thanks to Karen Zeretzke for sharing your thoughts on malabsorbtion of
> nutrients due to allergies.
> Warmly,
> Pat Lindsey, IBCLC near Orlando, FL