A number of nicu';s use this technique to enable the mother's to
privide hindmilk with specific a caloric content to match the need of their
This is done as an alternative to using a fortifier.
I think that the merits of "lactoengineering" breastmilk vs the use
of cow's milk based fortifiers does not need to be debated in this forum.
There are a number of articles that discuss this:
Lemons, JA et al: simple clinical technique for determining the
caloric and fat content of human milk PEDIATRICS 1980 66:626-628
Lucas A er al: creamoticrit: simple clinical technique for
estimating fat concentration and energy value of human milk Br Med J
Polberger S ert al : simple and rapid macronutrient analysis of
human milk for individual fortification: Basis for improved nutritional
management of very low birth weight infant J Paedric Gastroenterol Nutr 1993
17: 283-290
Silprasert A et alL effect of storage on the creamatocrit and
total energy content of human milk. Hun Nutr Clin nutr 1987:41 31-36