> Would love to know if others have had success stories and how
> they managed to increase supply.
Dear Pat,
>From a novice netter and an experienced NICU nurse, I have seen lots of
success stories in that age group, including 24 weekers with every
complication in the book! The biggest factors IMHO is maternal
motivation coupled with physical and emotional health, altho'
breastfeeding the preterm tends to be very complex.
Early post-partum and regular milk expression with skin to skin holding
(& early baby to breast) helps milk production. I've seen milk supply
from preterm infant's mothers equal to those delivering full term
infants. The trick is to maintain it until infant is ready to
breastfeed. Frequent contacts between LC or other knowledgable support
person helps too.
Cathy Carnaby RNC IBCLC
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