This post is in regard to the one about physicians not allowing mothers to
bf if they had a hx of drug/alcohol use. This would be like telling them
they absolutely could not use ABM---a choice even LCs agree is the mothers.
This is a somewhat common problem of some males who egotistically assume
women have no brains. It is a rare woman who wants to harm her baby, or
give the baby less than the best. Explaining to her the consequences of
bf and drug use, and letting her make the decision is HER RIGHT. I have
seen women who turned themselves around (drugwise) because they nursed a
baby, and found themselves loved and needed in a way they had never
We had this problem in a hospital where I worked. Some women were
hospitalized for weeks to keep them off drugs til delivery, then--even tho
we all knew they were drugfree when they delivered--they were not allowed
to nurse! Poor baby never even got colostrum. Did you know that cow's
have their babies taken from them after a day or so, but the little heifer
is allowed to have the first colostrum! Wow...