I am a University of North Dakota nursing student. I was talking to my
mother the other day about little known facts about breast-feeding, and
she told me that it is possible to start lactation after you have
discontinued breast-feeding. I had never heard this before, so I went
to the library and looked for articals that confirmed her statement. I
found an article in the "Journal of Human Lactation" Sept. 1996 vol.
12(3) pg. 233-5 that stated mothers that didn't start breast-feeding
could start up to 27 days later. The "East African Medical Journal Jan.
1997 74(1) pg 59-60 also stated that relactation was possible. The
"Journal of Tropical Pediatrics" Aug. 199743(4) pg 213-6 published the
results of a research study on relatation. I was wondering how
prevalent relaction is and how hard it is to succeed at producing milk.
Please give me your experience in this area.