Please Reply to this mother's need privately
She has a question about St John's Wort
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Also next Monday International Pediatric Chat will
Celebrate World Breastfeeding Week
at 1:30PM NY time and 10 PM NY time
At 1:30 We will celebrate the certification of the first "baby friendly
hospital" in Uruguay and at 10 PM we will have a general celbration and Kay
Hoover ibclc will discuss some current breastfeeding literature
>Hello. I am suffering from post-partum depression and don't feel comfortable
>taking any of the traditional anti-depressants, due to the fact that I am
>currently breastfeeding. A therapist recommended St. John's Wort, which I
>have been taking for two weeks. A soon-to-be lactation consultant agreed
>with the recommendation and feels it is safe for the baby. She told me about
>Dr. Thomas Hale and his book Medications and Mother's Milk. She suggested I
>try to contact him to see how safe he feels St. John's Wort is for a nursing
>baby. I was unable to find an address for him, but did find your address
>under the list of chats, several which he attends. I didn't know if maybe
>you have any information on the safety of SJW or if possibly you could
>forward this letter to Dr. Thomas Hale.
>Thank you very much for your time!
>Melissa Chase
International Pediatric Chat
Julius Edlavitch M.D. from Minnnnnnesota
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International Pediatric Chat ******
""International Pediatric Chat supports "Baby-Friendly" efforts at
hospitals through out the world and therefore as a policy will never take
any support funds from a baby nutrition company.""
"What wisdom can you have that is greater than kindness"