The November 1996, Psychiatry Drug Alerts reports a 40 year old woman
being treated with SERTRALINE for depression developed galactorrhea
after 11 weeks on the drug. The galactorrhea ceased 3 weeks after
stopping the drug.
"A MEDLINE search found only 1 other report of sertraline-induced
galactorrhea. (Bronzo M, Stahl S:Galactorrhea induced by sertraline. Am
Jl Psychiatry 1993;150:1269-1270) Possible mechanisms for SSRI-induced
galactorrhea could be an elevation of serum prolactin mediated by
serotonergic activation of prolactin-releasing factors and/or mediated
by serotonergic inhibitiontion of prolactin-inhibitor factors." page1.
Most depressed breastfeeding mothers I have seen have had a drop in milk
supply prior to treatment, so I thought this was interesting.