I have been lurking for some time and appreciate all input. I am the IBCLC
for the OB unit at Rochester Methodist Hos. in Roch.,Mn.-I have been in this
job 9 years and have seen things improvein breastfeeding. We do have a
practice of tube to breast for our preemies and do so in the lev II and III.
Sincedoing this we have had with rare exception mothers going home breast andd
no bottles. We use kangaroo care and use tubes to support the breastfeeding
gradually increasing the number of times at breast and decreasing the tubes.
We provide rooms for moms to stay as houseguests for as long as need be. We
find the nurses are the ones regulating the process-our 4 neos agreed with
our plan tenyears ago.Bottles are given only at insistance of mom who with
twinsor triplets plan to pump and bottle them.If a bottle would beever given
itshould be after babe a good nurser.A big reason not to give them is having
mom build her confidence..they get better at knowing how well the baby is
doing than the nurses. Just thought you all would like to know it can work.
Mary Cook email [log in to unmask]