When I see ear infections in a breastfed baby, I always consider dairy
sensitivity. I have seen so many fully resolved cases of repeated ear
infections following the total elimination of dairy products from mother's
diet that IMHO it is just fact.
If I can get a mother, amidst the screams of other family members, to read
ingredient labels and to avoid ALL dairy in her diet, the infections just
stop! And often a lot of other undesirable experiences stop too.
This is not a popular recommendation, particularly here in the Dairy State,
but the success rate of this advice is so satisfying that I keep
recommending it.
Interestingly, mothers often call to tell me of some benefit to their own
health that was unexpected--more energy, fewer colds, less gnawing hunger a
few hours after eating, improved digestion, boosted spirits, etc.
I'm not sure how it works, but I believe that the dairy causes thick mucous,
inviting the growth of bacteria, even with breast milk, and the irritation
caused by the offending product compromises immunity.
Patricia Gima, IBCLC