However I have one small correction. The pedinfo listserve is for pediatric
INFOMATICS and not for clinical sujects unless it realtes to pediatric
infomatics. The Pedtalk (an excellent pediatric listserve) however is the
perfect place for enlightenment and discussion and I have seen the comments
too from people of my sexual species.(Male Peds) We do not all feel this
way. The problem of unenlightenment is not always a male problem either.
(also the pedtalk is a listserve and not chat; International Pediatric Chat
is live Chat)
Julius, I was not meaning to insinuate that all male pediatricians are
unenlightened. Certainly not..... Thanks for the clarification on the
INFOMATICS list...also. I have not joined these, and therefore am not quite
clear about them.
Thanks. Happy New Year. Kathleen
Kathleen B. Bruce, BSN, IBCLC co-owner Lactnet,Corgi-L,TLC, Indep. Consultant
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