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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Kathleen Bruce <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 2 Jan 1997 22:42:52 -0500
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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (67 lines)
Ok guys. I need to unload this one.

Recently I was asked to teach a working /bf class for a local hospital. NO
pay. Out of the goodness of my heart, and for PR for my practice. Ok. I
prepared a working/bf class, and brought all the pumps, etc...handouts..the
whole shebang.

TWO people showed up , plus a medical student (very nice, has bf her
children...big bf advocate).  Both women were 5 mo pregnant, and knew
nothing about bf.  One hated LLL (didn't know I was a LLLeader, and boy was
she surprised, pleasantly, I think.)...wanted to bf/bottlefeed, and would
never consider pumping at work. Don't know why she came to a bf/working
class then.?  She was joined by the second mother, who was young, gest.
diabetic, and completely clueless about bf also.  I immed asked them what
THEY wanted to know, and they had basic bf questions, which I answered.
One of the women was afraid that she was going to have a C sec, and that bf
would be sabotaged, as it "is for so many mothers."  This discussion took
all the time we had, and I showed them part of a good movie I had, the
INFACT video. I gave them my cards, urged them onto bf classes and LLL
meetings, and hoped for the best..taking all my pumps home. I knew what they
needed was a basic bf class...the mother who later called never went to a bf
class, read a bf book, or went to a LLL meeting.."never found the time."

Tonight the young gest diabetic called at 9:30 pm. She was in tears...had
had a csec, had been induced for 5 days..and the baby never latched well.
Baby was 9, 6', and they induced the baby a few days before its due
date...wouldn't want to wait a bit and see if the mother might deliver on
her own. Oh no. [**heavy sarcasm from KBB***]

 Was discharged with a baby who was losing weight, not nursing well. First
night home she gave the baby formula at 2:30 am, ..had the formula that was
"sent to her in the mail" [makes me wanna vomit-KBB]  , feeling like she
gave in because the baby was much calmer after having it, and was so frantic
before it..that she andher husband were worried about the baby becoming
dehydrated, etc.  Mother hasn't bf since then, and that was Mon night. She
called wanting to know the options. I told her to get help immediately if
she wanted to bf, and that she could bf anytime.  Recommended a few
LCs...since I can't do it in the next few days..and she said that she and
her husband were concerned about the $$$money$$$ for the LC call. I told her
that *that* cost was NOTHING next to the $1400 in formula for the year...and
that comment seemed to pass over her.  ARGH.

The mom is a BLue Cross customer.  BLUE CROSS in Vermont will not pay for LC
calls.  BUT, these people think nothign of paying for the Diabetic child, or
the kid with lymphoma...right?????  Hedge our only for what
happens, not for prevention.  Makes one wanna hug the porcelain convenience
and wretch.

If you have read this far, thank you.  I am DISGUSTED with these wretched
formula companies who have NO morals, no feelings, and no vision except the
*&^%%$ bottom line.  They make me wanna PUKE.  THis mother KNEW she was a
rabbit tied to train track, with a train approaching, and saw the train
coming, and is now suffering the consequences.  I guess I am just the one
who has to sit and watch the accidents that come my way...blood, gore and all.

Sick of it all, and blaming some very high paid executives from formula
companies, insurance companies, and hospitals, who line their pockets with
money, and give women NO support for bf, a truly meaningful way to impact
the health care system, not to mention a woman's emotional health.
*&^%$#$%^&**(  : (

Disgustedly yours, Kathleen
Kathleen B. Bruce, BSN, IBCLC co-owner Lactnet,Corgi-L,TLC, Indep. Consultant
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