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Susan Horein <[log in to unmask]>
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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 20 Nov 1996 13:16:42 -0600
text/plain (58 lines)
I am forwarding this from a lesbian mother and LLLL friend of mine:

>Hi Lactnet women,  Susan is going to forward this to you as I haven't the
>time to keep up with another list.  About Lesbian/Nursing/Relationships.  I'd
>encourage you to remember that Lesbians in this country were exposed to all
>the negative images and thoughts about BF as you all were and many, like many
>straight moms, are not interested in BF.  SAD!  I agree that 2 moms and no BF
>babies is a "waste of resources"  Wonder what the Amish would say?
>About the wonderings as to whether a baby would prefer the non-bio mom to
>bio-mom.  Dream on!  Unless the non-bio mom was currently lactating prior to
>the birth of the child, it would be highly unlikely that she would produce
>enough milk to sustain the baby.  This is just induced lactation as would
>compare to an adoptive mom.  Few adoptive moms are able to bring in a
>substantial BM supply.
>Relationship difficulties.  Yes and No.  Like hetero couples, there is a
>great diversity of parental roles and expectations.  Some women jealously
>guard their babies from their partners (straight and gay)  Some couples can
>comfortably share any and all childcare responsibilities.
>Annecdotal information.  I'm a LLL Leader and induced lactation with the aid
>of a SNS for the birth of our first child.  He BF from both of us.  I was
>never able to bring in more than a small milk supply and did not mean to
>usurp my parnter's BM.  Our child easily switch between us and knew who to go
>to if he was hungry and who to go to if he wanted to comfort suck.  Smart
>kid, but then they all are.  After the birth of our second child (my bio
>child), our first child increased his nursings on me and after my partner
>went on some medication that affected her milk supply he weaned from her and
>nursed on me exclusively.  Our first child is now 4.3 years old and has a BF
>history of 2 moms.  I'm almost eclipsing the amount of time he BF on her.
> I'm one of those *wierd* women who fantisized about BF for years.  I knew
>that I'd induce lactation with the first child and tried frantically to get
>PG before he weaned so I could experience the thrill of satisfying him at the
>breast.  It worked!  Here I am happily tandem nursing a 2 and a 4.3 year old
>with no end in sight.
>How's that?  How does that compare to other lesbian parents we know?  We know
>of only one other lesbian couple who has BF their children.  One tried, but
>was discouraged due to his early birth and jaundice (the standard bad advise,
>and she didn't know me then.  I BF William who was born 5 weeks preterm and
>had severe jaundice.)  The other couples we know are bottle feeders for
>various reasons.  One partner was interested in inducing lacatation, but her
>partner's disgust at the whole BF thing persuaded her to drop the idea.
> Happily that birth mom lost her job at 4 months preg. and is still a stay at
>home mom now 3 years later.  She does some attachment parenting too.
>I've rambled enough and have a LLL meeting to lead shortly,  no time to proof
>read, hope this helps.
>Diane Thornton
>Memphis, TN
>Mom to Max (4.3) Wil (2) and wife to Ginger ("married" almost 7 years)

 Susan Horein, [log in to unmask]