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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Shaughn Leach <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 18 Mar 1996 08:40:52 +0800
Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (334 lines)
In message <[log in to unmask]> Lactation Information and
Discussion writes:
> There are 15 messages totalling 304 lines in this issue.
> Topics in this special issue:
>   1. gentian violet
>   2. white nipple pustules
>   3. Ezzos - in Dallas
>   4. PKU Information
>   5. call for suggestions
>   6. Working and Motherhood
>   7. More on working and motherhood
>   8. Fats in Formula
>   9. Implants
>  10. Lactina Select
>  11. pramin as galactagogue?
>  12. filtched formula
>  13. abcess
>  14. abuse
>  15. cup feeding
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date:    Mon, 8 Jan 1996 17:07:46 -0500
> From:    deb shinskie <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: gentian violet
> First I want to say to Debi VanderMey - RIGHT ON!! My thoughts exactly!
> Generation X (what a label??!) isn't doing so bad!
> RE: Gentian violet:  Dr. Jack Newman gave an excellent presentation at the
> Sept. 1995 BSC Symposium regarding gentian violet during which he touched on
> the rat/cancer study from the UK.  He noted that it was an astronomical
> dosage required that produced a quite rare liver toxicity - I think as it
> translated to an infant, it would have meant something like 30mls consumed
> daily for 2 years straight to produce such results!
> Anyway, he recommends a quite minor regime that produces nice results - it
> impressed one of our OB's last fall!  He suggests mom by a 1oz bottle of the
> 1% solution that is more that enough for the entire Rx (entire Rx uses about
> 1/4oz).  For 1X/side/day mom should dip a cotton swab in it, allow baby to
> suckle swab, then immediately latch onto mom - it will sufficiently treat
> both.  Note that it is actually done twice daily to get each nipple.  This
> is carried out for 3 days and may be repeated for 3 more days.  After that
> he recommends oral meds.
> Though  messiness is a problem, he reassured me regarding the carcinogenic
> scare.  Dr. Newman is a gem; he was a great reassurance to the OB I was
> working with.  Anyone else with comments about this?
> Debbie Shinskie RN CES IBCLC - Generation X'er who doesn't WANT to do it
> all!!
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Tue, 9 Jan 1996 00:31:48 -0500
> From:    "Judy Eastburn, B.S., IBCLC" <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: white nipple pustules
> Hi, Lacnetters:
> A twin mom called me Friday with the following situation: babies are 6 months
> old and had been almost exclusively breastfed (except for a bottle of relief
> formula every 2 - 3 weeks or so) and then started solids a couple of weeks
> ago. For about the last 5 months or so mom had had white pustules (sized of a
> b.b.)on the nipples .  She says the pustules  form and then break open and
> when the top comes off the skin underneath is raw.  The cycle takes about 10
> days from formation to healing. For the past 2 1/2 months they have been
> forming continuously so she has been in constant pain as she nurses her
> twins.  My hat is off to her!  However, she is beginning to weaken in her
> resolve and will wean if she can't find a solution.  She has seen a
> dermatologist and a breast surgeon (both female.).  She has been treated with
> nystatin, cortisone, topical antibiotics, oran antibiotics, worn shells.
>  Anyone got any ideas?  It doesn't sound like a milk blister or  the pressure
> cyst (as per  Lawrence).  Help!
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Tue, 9 Jan 1996 00:31:51 -0500
> From:    "Judy Eastburn, B.S., IBCLC" <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Ezzos - in Dallas
> I've been facinated by the discussion about the Ezzos as we have been dealing
> with this philosophy in Dallas for several years.  An LC in a major hospital
> here often sees a copy  of the book on the nightstand in the hospital room
> when she does her rounds and this summer I did consults with at least 6 moms
> who either told me about the program and how they were trying it or their
> comments alerted me to their knowledge of it.  I decided it was in my best
> interest to read the book so  I have read Babywise and part of Babywise  Book
> Two which is for parents of older babies and toddlers.  Interestingly, the
> Ezzos are coming to Dallas on Thursday 11th, Jan to lecture at a major
> hospital,  The invitation was extended to the staff at another major hospital
> but is aimed at parents.  The invitation (from one of my favorite doctors who
> is very supportive of breastfeeding) was extended to health  professionals so
> that they can help new parents enhanse parenting skills.  I guess I will need
> to talk to this doctor sometime to see if he has really read the  book and
> how he feels this fits in with the physiology of breastfeeding.Can't decide
> whether to take the time to attend the lecture myself - I know I will come
> away frustrated.   Nancy  Williams and Lisa Marasco, any hints on how to deal
> with the subject matter if I attend?
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Tue, 9 Jan 1996 06:31:00 EST
> From:    Cindy Smith <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: PKU Information
> Two references about breastfeeding the PKU baby:
> McCabe, L.  The management of breast feeding among infants with
> phenykletonuria. J Inher Metab Dis 1989; 12:467-74.
> Greve, L. C. et al.  Breast-feeding in the management of the newborn with
> phenylketonuria: A practical approach to dietary therapy.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Cindy Smith
> Editor, Breastfeeding Abstract
> LLLI Board of Directors
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Tue, 9 Jan 1996 07:18:11 -0500
> From:    Penny Piercy <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: call for suggestions
> Calling all Lactnetters:
> I am an LLLL who is currently also wearing the hat of part-time graduate
> student at Indiana University's library school.  I am taking a course
> this term in indexing and abstracting and as one of my major course
> requirements, I will be indexing the contents of any 3 issues of 3
> journals that I choose, so long as they are on a related topic.
> Naturally, I'd like to use the topic of human lactation, so I thought I
> could do the JHL, and New Beginnings, but I'm stumped for a third.  (For
> obvious reasons, Breastfeeding Abstracts would be inappropriate.)
> Could any one who has suggestions for a third title email me with your
> suggestions?  I'm thinking the title would need to be US or Canadian
> because it would have to be something I could get my hands on in the
> requisite amount of time.  It also should be of sufficient length to be
> considered a journal (rather than a newsletter, like ILCA's Globe).  A
> special issue of any medical/allied health/anthropology/midwifery journal
> devoted in whole or large part to lactation would probably be OK.
> TIA,
> Penny Piercy, LLLL, MOM (Patrick 2 3/4) from Bloomington, IN
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Tue, 9 Jan 1996 07:37:57 -0500
> From:    Ilene Fabisch <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: Working and Motherhood
> I just had to add to K.D.'s post about the different generations and their
> view of Motherhood:
> How about the generation that could work outside the home, get married, have
> kids and bf them, just NOT ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!
> "Sequencing" is a very good book with very good ideas.
> Warmllly, Ilene from the very cold, very deep in snow suburb of Boston.  Last
> count we had 2 feet of snow and NO SCHOOL, YEAH!
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Tue, 9 Jan 1996 08:03:31 -0500
> From:    "Nicholas M. Azzaretti" <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: More on working and motherhood
> Hello all,
> Kathy Dettwyler writes:
> >And next?  Hopefully the generation who realized you could work outside the
> >home and be married and have kids, and breastfeed them and not have to mess
> >with pumps because you either (a) had good maternity leave or (b) could have
> >your baby with you at work.
> I would add: or (c) had flexible work options such as part time work.
> After my daughter was born, I took a semester off from teaching high school,
> then went back after 7 months to teach 2 classes. The timing meant I never
> needed to pump. (My husband, also a teacher at the same school, cared for
> our daughter while I taught, then went to school and taught the other 3
> classes in what totalled one full-time contract.) A good number of students
> (mostly male) found this arrangement bizarre. They would have better
> understood full time day care or my staying home full time. Teaching about
> attachment parenting & breastfeeding to kids who have grown up in families
> where bottlefeeding & day care are the norm is a tough job. BTW, we were
> incredibly lucky to be given that flexible job arrangement, but were also
> clearly told we had no guarantees of full employment if either or both of us
> wanted to return to full-time. (We haven't wanted to.)
> Kate Pennington, shoveling out in Newcastle, Maine
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Tue, 9 Jan 1996 08:06:50 -0500
> From:    Penny Piercy <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: Fats in Formula
> Marsha (and others):
> Your post on the manipulation of fats in ABM reminded me of an article
> called "Breastfeeding--the immunological case" reprinted in the most
> recent issue of _The Compleat Mother_.  After discussing the numerous
> immunological benefits of breastmilk the author goes on to discuss how
> formula companies are trying to work on an immunologically alive ABM.  He
> also
> claims a company in the Netherlands is trying to genetically engineer
> cows to produce human lactoferrin in their udders.  Scary business IMHO.
> For those interested in tracking down the article it is located on pages
> 19-20 of _The Mother_ and seems to be reprinted from "New Generation
> Digest" (not familiar to me).  The author is Jeremy Brock  Reader in
> immunology at the Univ. of Glascow.
> Have a nice day!
> Penny Piercy, LLLL, MOM (Patrick 2 3/4) from Bloomington, IN
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Tue, 9 Jan 1996 06:24:11 UT
> From:    Patricia Jamieson <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Implants
> LLLI has a "Dear Friend" (Breast Implant Letter) and Bibliography, Aug. 1995
> that addresses the JAMA 1994 article on implants and esophageal disease. It
> also addresses other concerns about nursing with implants. It's an excellent
> handout. It can be obtained from anyone in the LLLI PL Dept. or directly from
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Tue, 9 Jan 1996 06:21:09 UT
> From:    Patricia Jamieson <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Lactina Select
> Cindy,
> Most of the mothers I rent pumps to are working moms and I've noticed that
> they prefer the Select over the Plus, possibly they are able to express a
> little more quickly. A couple of the moms had previously used the Plus and
> now
> prefer the Select. No mother has complained of any Select not having enough
> suction.
> Patt Jamieson, LLLL, AAPL
> Renton, WA
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Tue, 9 Jan 1996 15:32:28 -0800
> From:    Judy Holtzer Knopf <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: pramin as galactagogue?
> Hi, everyone. I just heard from a new-mom pediatrician that
> pramin (metoclopramide HCl) was suggested to her as a
> galactogogue. Have I missed something? Anyone else (everyone
> else???) heard of this? The doc said that she didn't feel it made
> any difference for her..... TIA for quick answer. Judy Knopf in
> Beer Sheva, Israel
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Tue, 9 Jan 1996 07:52:43 -0600
> From:    "Julie Graves Moy, MD, MPH" <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: filtched formula
> today in the Austin American Statesman, a story described numerous
> robberies in the past few months - stolen was S.......-20 or other
> artificial formulae.  Apparently a new way to make money is steal formula
> from discount stores then re-sell it to small, mom-and pop convenience
> stores who then sell it at higher prices, often to poor families who can't
> get transportation to the large (usually suburban) convenience stores.  the
> article bemoaned the high cost of formula - I'm writing to the statesman to
> note that infants fed human milk don't need to worry about the high cost of
> artificial feeds....
> Julie Graves Moy, M.D., M.P.H.
> [log in to unmask]
> P.O. Box 4768
> Austin, Texas  78765
> 512-440-0480
> 512-441-1666 fax
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Tue, 9 Jan 1996 09:42:00 -0500
> From:    "Patricia B. Drazin, IBCLC" <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: abcess
> Barb, Fiona:
>    isn't this similiar to the basis of moist wound healing?
>    i will pull a ref. on this as soon as i am able.
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Tue, 9 Jan 1996 09:51:50 -0500
> From:    "Patricia B. Drazin, IBCLC" <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: abuse
>    I would like to recommend, for all who are interested in leaning more
> about abuse and its effect on sexuality., pregnancy and birthing to ead:
>   childhood sexual abuse, sexuality. pregnancy and birthing. by patricia
> smith. it is an inside out book - p.o. box 1908 palmerston north. new
> zealand.
>              Patricia
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Tue, 9 Jan 1996 09:59:28 -0500
> From:    "Patricia B. Drazin, IBCLC" <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: cup feeding
> Jeff:
>     nursing mothers association of australia has a video on hand expression
> and cup feeding.
>                  Patricia
> ------------------------------
> End of LACTNET Digest - 8 Jan 1996 to 9 Jan 1996 - Special issue
> ****************************************************************