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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Scott Berner <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 15 Dec 1995 12:11:24 -0500
Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (332 lines)
Dear James,
 Hi.I'm a Speech Pathologist.The problem with a thick frenulum should
definitely be dealt with by clipping.I have never seen a clip botched,and
have seen several kids with greatly improved speech when their too long
and thick frenulums were clipped.My advice is get a doctor who has done
several & go for it.
                            In Christ,
                                       Kim Berner

On Mon, 11 Dec 1995, Automatic digest processor wrote:

> There are 10 messages totalling 300 lines in this issue.
> Topics in this special issue:
>   1. sterilizing kits
>   2. BF stats--ASBM handouts help increase rates?
>   3. USA Today reply
>   4. Anita Baker Video
>   5. More on storage
>   6. Who am I???? and other info
>   7. Menopausal symptoms during lactation
>   8. Frenulum clipping--effect on speech
>   9. TOS ballot and Hosp Position
>  10. IBCLC info
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date:    Mon, 11 Dec 1995 14:59:24 -0500
> From:    "Catherine Watson Genna, IBCLC" <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: sterilizing kits
> Linda,
> Ameda Egnell's newer kits (hygeinikits) are closed systems- no air is
> exchanged between the pump and the milk, therefore the tubing never has to be
> washed.  This is the reason for the change in cleaning recommendations. I
> recommend that moms wash the diaphragm, valve, collection container and pump
> body in hot soapy water.  Moms of hospitalized infants are counseled to
> sterilize once each 24 hours, or follow the NICU's protocol.  We don't want
> the milk being dumped for failure to follow the rules.
>         It is my understanding that it is okay to use product names if you are
> transmitting information or opinions.  It is not okay to advertise- to offer
> an item for sale to participants on Lactnet.  Is this correct, Kathleens?
>         Catherine Watson Genna, IBCLC   NYC  [log in to unmask]
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Mon, 11 Dec 1995 14:02:37 -0600
> From:    "Ruth Sweet, IBCLC, LLLL" <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: BF stats--ASBM handouts help increase rates?
> Denise: "instructor is not objective...." is the BEST comment.  Way to go!!
> Ruth of Verona
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Mon, 11 Dec 1995 16:53:49 EST
> From:    "Dia L. Michels" <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: USA Today reply
> Here's my .02 for USA Today -- with thanks for the motivation to get the letter
> written to Marsha, Kathy and Diana Dietz.
> Letters-to-the-Editor
> USA Today
> c/o: [log in to unmask]
> December 11, 1995
> Dear Letters Editor:
> I was concerned to read that women who bottle-feed their infants are filled
> with guilt ["In A Reversal, Bottle-Feeding Gets A Bad Rap," December 5,
> 1995].  Guilt is a mental obsession with the idea of having done wrong.  A
> more productive emotion would be anger  -- anger at a culture that
> underrates and undervalues breastfeeding so much that it withholds
> information, support, and a commitment to it -- in spite of compelling
> evidence of its superiority for infant health.
> Artificially-fed babies get sick more often, get sicker, and die more
> frequently than breastfed infants -- regardless of the socioeconomic status
> of the family.  If every mother in this country breastfed for just twelve
> weeks, the infant mortality rate would drop by 5% and the direct health
> care savings alone would be $2-4 billion annually.
> Just as we go out of our way to ensure use of child seats and safety caps
> to safeguard our nation's children, we should be going out of our way to
> ensure that every child gets the best start in life.  Infant feeding is not just
> the lifestyle issue you portray, it is a public health issue of utmost
> importance.
> Sincerely,
> Dia L. Michels
> co-author: Milk, Money & Madness: the culture and politics of breastfeeding
> 532 9th Street, SE
> Washington, DC  20003
> 202-547-3598
> 202-546-2356-fax
> [log in to unmask]
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Mon, 11 Dec 1995 18:47:42 -0500
> From:    Pearl Shifer <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Anita Baker Video
> Hope this will help;  Anita Baker video was produced by the Maryland WIC
> Program -"Giving You the Best that I've Got"- the production company is Gardy
> McGrath International, Reston, VA tel. 703-620-6000.  A breastfeeding peer
> counselor called this number and was told that the video was not being made
> available to individuals, but was available to organizations. Good luck with
> this, hope the information helps.
> Pearl Shifer, M.Ed., IBCLC
> [log in to unmask]
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Mon, 11 Dec 1995 19:25:20 -0500
> From:    pat Bull <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: More on storage
> Pat D.
> For normal newborns, it is not required ( at least by most) to have the bags
> sterile for storage of BM.  They can store in baggies, etc. if they so
> desire, along with double bagging.  Some even use ice trays, again placing
> them in a large zip lock bad freezer bag.  We don't require bottles to be
> sterile.
>  Do not forget that milk bank guidelines are only for NICU, hospitalized
> infants.
> Pat Bull, RN, IBCLC/BFC
> Naperville, IL
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Mon, 11 Dec 1995 19:25:22 -0500
> From:    pat Bull <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Who am I???? and other info
> Hello ALL,
> I think most of you know my background, but since there is increasing heat
> lately over the "new rule", I thought I would officially introduce myself so
> no one (hopefully sues me).  I have been an LC for over 12 years.  I moved
> from CA to Chicago 10yrs. ago, where I began consulting
> (suggesting/advising????) with  Egnell and Medela and worked in private
> practice.  After a few years I became a consultant for Medela.  I am not a
> sales rep. and never want anything to do with sales.  I mainly review/edit
> their BF info, rental roundup, booklets, etc.and work with engineering and
> sales reps with BF education and update on BF info.  I (and Jan Barger) write
> their BF tear-off sheets, BF in the BIGS booklet.  Any Medela hospital has
> access to me for BF or product questions, documentation, research articles,
> etc.  I also do national BF lecturing/inservices for them.  All Medela
> employees, when hired,  must attend my BF workshop.  I also have been in
> private practice with Jan Barger in The Breastfeeding Connection for over 10
> years. I agree with you all that it seems stupid why we can not use specific
> names, but I also know what effect the "White River" suit has had on people.
>  I have been hearing that there are other companies threatening to do the
> same.  Is it just our field that has such crazies going on??
> Now that I introduced myself,  can I talk?  Jan Barger and others questioned
> the BF stats I posted from Ross Labs.  I have been getting them for the past
> several years.  I can't tell you if they are right/wrong, slanted or biased.
>  All I did was post them according to what was FAXed to me.  If anyone would
> like to e-mail me for address or # for the contact person, I would be more
> than happy to give it to you or even fax you the info (providing I do not get
> 500 e-mails demanding it).  What I would like to see is someone finally doing
> stats outside of a formula company.  Any takers????
> Sorry about the 5mo and 6mo stats that I posted- they sorta slipped around to
> the next line and that is what is under the "in hospital" % and 1 week %
> column for those of you that still have the post.
> ----milk bank guidelines for NICU/hospitalized infants states "thawed milk
> that has not been warmed for use should be stored in the refrigerator and
> used within 24 hours".  That is most commonly written in other references for
> any baby.
> PS- anyone that is a rental station for a pump company is not an employee of
> that company.  Remember the contract you signed?  You are on a contract basis
> only.
> Pat Bull, RN, IBCLC/The Breastfeeding Connection/MEDELA!!
> Naperville, IL
> [log in to unmask]
> God put me on earth to accomplish a certain number of things.  Right now I am
> so far behind, I will never die.
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Mon, 11 Dec 1995 17:06:04 -0800
> From:    "Lisa Marasco, IBCLC" <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: Menopausal symptoms during lactation
> Philippa,
> While I did not experience hot flashes or sweats postpartum, I *did* get
> the worse chills of my life about 3 weeks after the birth of each baby.
> It usually hit in the evening, after the fog came in during the summer,
> or when I got up to take care of baby in the middle of the night. I've
> never experienced anything like before or since, but they were very
> violent! I would have to bundle myself thickly in covers, and could not
> tolerate the least movement of the bedclothing lest a stirring of cold
> room air hit me. I would cling to my husband for warmth if he was
> around.... and I couldn't get out of bed again for hours. This postpartum
> effect lasted several weeks, and to this day I get the "willies" when I
> feel the semblance of a chill coming on. I asked my doctor about it, and
> he only associated the chills with illness or infection, which I knew I
> definitely didn't have. I chalk it up to hormones, and yes it did
> gradually fade, thank goodness!
> -Lisa
> *************************************************
> Lisa Marasco, BA, LLLL, IBCLC
> [log in to unmask]  /  [log in to unmask]
> *************************************************
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Mon, 11 Dec 1995 20:43:22 -0500
> From:    "James Steeg." <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Frenulum clipping--effect on speech
> Hello. I am Meg Wright, Physician Assistant & LLLL.  I am counselling a
> woman whose 10 day old son has a thick frenulum.  I.E.  I have not seen
> him move tongue over lower lip. and when he cries the tongue appears
> forked.  I am precluded from any real physical exam as my contact with
> this woman is LLL not as a P.A.  When she called describing the
> situation, I suggested she get it clipped and explained that it is very
> low risk.  (I personally have clipped two and one did not even bleed; the
> other only very slightly.)  Meanwhile, Mom has very sore nipples and
> doesn't feel like he's "on right."  Today I rented her a pump because she
> is pumping alot and feeding with bottle because of pain at nipple and his
> difficulty latching on.  Of course I discussed nipple confusion and
> described cup feed/dropper feed, etc.  The reason for her hesitancy to
> get him clipped is because she talked to a speech pathology professor who
> told her that if a frenulum is clipped "too far", it would cause the
> child to never be able to utter a certain 2 or 3 sounds in the English
> language.  I tried to point out that some of the risk -benefit ratio may
> be being skewed.  Later I asked if the prof . had ever seen a kid who'd
> been clipped too far and gently wondered aloud that this clipping too far
> risk may be a a very rare complication.  I have already discussed
> difficulty of long term pumping , nipple confusion etc. with her.
> Either the baby's frenulum will stretch or she may come around to getting
> it clipped if I can give her some documentation and or opinions of other
> speech pathologists.  She seems committed to breastMILK, but not to
> breastFEEDING--as her fear is the (improbable?) clip/language
> complication.  Any help will be appreciated.
> Thank you.  Meg Wright, PA-C, LLLL
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Mon, 11 Dec 1995 20:45:45 -0500
> From:    "Jon Ahrendsen, MD" <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: TOS ballot and Hosp Position
> I received the following vote for the TOS (The Other Stuff) Survey:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> My personal favorite is the simple Breast MIlk Substitute... However,
> my colleague,  is stuck on Commercial Baby Milk.... Now the BIG "HOWEVER":
>  in order to be able to talk to my less baby-friendly health care provider
> colleagues without them shutting me off before I've said anything I still
> find that "formula" is the acceptable thing to call it.  I've been told (read
> reprimanded) recently that our hospital's vision is to remain neutral in
> regards to infant feeding choices......yes, I get indigestion every time I
> think about that little phrase.  But they want to make sure I (and my LC
> dolleagues don"t feel like the administration are trying to restrain our
> activities.
> Amazing how many faces these folks have...SIGH!
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<SNIP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> I am amazed, "The hospital will remain neutral......" Well I quess we know
> where they stand on the Baby Friendly Issue.
> Do they remain neutral about smoking in the hospital?
> Do they remain neutral about serving high fat diets for their heart patients?
> Do they remain neutral about drinking alcohol for their substance abuse
> patients?
> Do they remain neutral about infant care seats for children leaving the
> hospital?
> Do they remain neutral about domestic spouse or child abuse that they
> discover?
> They need to have a "Wake Up Call" and realize they can promote Breastfeeding
> without having to degrade the bottle feeders.  I wonder are they truly
> neutral in this area?
> Do they allow rooming 24 hours for the BF moms?  DO they routinely supplement
> the BF babies?  Do the BF babies BF within 30 minutes of the delivery?  Do
> they let the mom or baby board in with the other if one of them is sick?   If
> they don't do these things then they aren't even being neutral in the area.
>  They are being negative towards BF!
> Off my soap box now.
> Jon Ahrendsen MD FAAFP, LLLI Medical Associate
> Co-Chair of the Iowa State Lactation Task Force
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Mon, 11 Dec 1995 22:29:15 -0500
> From:    Kathleen Bruce <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: IBCLC info
> Please check on our Lactation and Related Resources Web page for info on
> ILCA, IBCLE, etc, and on LCs...
> The info you ar looking for is there.
> : )
> Kathleen
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Kathleen B. Bruce, BSN, IBCLC, LLL Leader
> Co-Owner Lactnet, LLLOL, Corgi-L E-mail lists
> A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------
> End of LACTNET Digest - 11 Dec 1995 - Special issue
> ***************************************************