A question to our "founding mothers" - if a digest is sent to a lactnet
suscriber and is returned because
their server is down, is that subscriber automatically "unsubscribed?" I
suspect that this is what happened
to me. Also, is it possible to get the digest issues that were missed while
the server was down, and if so,
Hi. The answer is:
1. A subscriber is automatically unsubscribed if their server is throwing
errors for 4 days or more, or if there are so many in a day that we are
kept busy deleting them.! Every time one of the 700 subscribers has a mail
glitch, and their server doesn't accept a Lactnet message, we hear about it
on our computer. This is why it is SO important that if you KNOW there will
be a glitch, or you will not be picking up messages, or your mailbox will be
full...to set yourself NOMAIL . Otherwise, it makes work for US, which we
have enough of. : ) I smile here, but it really is a lot of work, and costs
me and Kathy MONEY. WE pay for all our own connect time.
2. It is possible to get digests if you miss them, by the week. to do this,
do the following:
These are the archival retrieval instructions.* Please* save them.
Hi all.There is a function BUILT RIGHT IN in the listserv that enables you
all to get whatever weeks you missed. You can get them in weekly increments.
At the present time, we CANNOT search the LACTNET archives by topic. : (
> First, send the command to [log in to unmask]
>which will produce a listing of all files available for LACTNET, like this:
Archive files for the LACTNET list at LIBRARY.UMMED.EDU
(weekly logs)
rec last - change
filename filetype GET PUT -fm lrecl nrecs date time
-------- -------- --- --- --- ----- ----- -------- --------
LACTNET LOG9502 LOG OWN V 80 2843 95/03/09 09:56:55
LACTNET LOG9503 LOG OWN V 137 5174 95/03/31 14:51:30
LACTNET LOG9504 LOG OWN V 203 7959 95/04/22 16:20:52
LACTNET LOG9504D LOG OWN V 80 205 95/04/23 08:50:07
Then, send a command GET LACTNET LOGxxxxx to get the relevant log file:
GET LACTNET LOG 9507C would get the third week of July 1995
GET LACTNET LOG9507A would get the first week of July 1995
GET LACTNET LOG9506A would get the first week of June 1995
GET LACTNET LOG9507B would get the second week of July 1995
GET LACTNET LOG9509C would get the third week of September 1995
And so on and so forth.
Kathleen B. Bruce, BSN, IBCLC, LLL Leader
Co-Owner Lactnet, LLLOL, Corgi-L E-mail lists
LACTNET WWW site: http://www.mcs.com/~auerbach/lactation.html
"If money could talk, it would say good bye!"