While I would not recommend a pregnant or nursing mother avoid peanuts strictly
as a precautionary measure, I do have a close friend whose son exhibited signs
of his peanut allergy while he was exclusively breastfed. His mother ate alot
of peanut products while breastfeeding and her son had chronic breathing
problems. He was even tested for cyctic fibrosis due to the excess mucous he
was producing. At one year of age, he ate one bite of a peanut butter sandwich
and immediately was unable to breath and broke out in hives. He coincidentally
weaned at 1 year of age and his breathing problems have improved dramatically
(he is now 2 1/2 years). The peanut allergy was confirmed through testing. The
mother is not allergic to peanuts. At the time, she thought his respiratory
problems were asthma. Now, in hindsight, she believes it was peanut related.
Any thoughts?
Kathy Koch, LLL Leader
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Alexandria, VA