I don't think the formula feeding moms are being honest with you. I also
have a Home Day Care and all my babies have been formula fed. (I didn't get
to them before they had their babies but I'm working on the mom's that are
considering more children.) Anyway, all of these moms have gone through
bouts of the night waking thing. My breastfed children probably sleep more
consistently and have never had a nightmare.
As for the Ferber issue, I have really strong feelings about that. I hope
not too many children are out there being taught that their feelings don't
matter at night because mom needs her sleep. If I had wanted a good nights
sleep I wouldn't have had kids.
BTW- All you folks out there with older children--do you get more sleep now
or when they were little? I just want to be prepared!
Diane Karnbach, LLL Leader
Va Beach, V