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Carmela Baeza IBCLC <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 20 Apr 2022 09:37:26 +0200
text/plain (74 lines)
Marsha, you write:
"Lumps in transitional milk often indicate sub clinical mastitis. The milk
should be cultured to check for an infection. Use of probiotics
specifically for mammary dysbiosis such as TargetB2, kefir, and probiotic
yogurts might help."

I respectfully disagree :)

Sub-clinical mastitis is defined by increased sodium and decreased
potassium concentration in milk, that is why we employ an elevated
sodium:potassium (Na:K) ratio as a diagnostic tool for SCM in humans.
Subclinical mastitis is not an infectious state as far as the literature
goes, nor is it a dysbiosis. Furthermore sub-clinical mastitis is
asymptomatic (that is why it is named SUB-clinical).

I agree the lumps in breastmilk warrant a milk culture, as they can be a
sign of infection - but not of sub-clinical mastitis.
Also, use of probiotics has not yet been proven to be effective... we need
more science and less conflicts of interest on those...

Samuel TM, De Castro CA, Dubascoux S, Affolter M, Giuffrida F, Billeaud C,
Picaud JC, Agosti M, Al-Jashi I, Pereira AB, Costeira MJ, Silva MG,
Marchini G, Rakza T, Haaland K, Stiris T, Stoicescu SM, Martínez-Costa C,
Vanpee M, Domellöf M, Euridice CG, Thakkar SK, Silva-Zolezzi I. Subclinical
Mastitis in a European Multicenter Cohort: Prevalence, Impact on Human Milk
(HM) Composition, and Association with Infant HM Intake and Growth.
Nutrients. 2019 Dec 30;12(1):105. doi: 10.3390/nu12010105. PMID: 31905959;
PMCID: PMC7019749.


Dra Carmela Baeza
Médico de familia, IBCLC nº L-17694

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