Greetings All,
This first paper discusses several studies on oxytocin reducing fear in new motherhood, and cites a new study also shared below by Menon et al.
Title: Behavior: Oxytocin Promotes Fearless Motherhood
Authors: Lior Cohen, Mouna Maroun, and Shlomo Wagner from the University of Haifa, Israel
"In mammals, lactating mothers show reduced fear and anxiety. A new study reveals the way by which the
lactation-inducing neuropeptide oxytocin attenuates social fear in lactating female mice by inhibiting
activity in a single brain area."
The new study referenced above by Menon et al. is from researchers in Germany and Japan:
Title: Oxytocin Signaling in the Lateral Septum Prevents Social Fear during Lactation
Authors: Menon R, Grund T, Zoicas I, Althammer F, Fiedler D, Biermeier V, Bosch OJ, Hiraoka Y, Nishimori K, Eliava M, Grinevich V, Neumann ID
With best regards,
Debra Swank, RN BSN IBCLC
Director, MoreThanReflexes Education
Ocala, Florida USA
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