Hello all!
I had brief encounters (non-clinical setting) with 2 moms with very
interesting experiences. I posted one of them on the Lactogenesis Facebook
group, so you may have already seen one of them.
- One was concerned that her milk was ‘cold’ straight from the breast after
pumping. This had just been happening for one day. I tried to gently
suggest that perhaps SHE was warm but she didn’t bite. She was a third-time
mom and pretty adamant. In addition the baby was refusing this milk unless
- Another asked whether mastitis could be long-term. She has breastfed her
first for 3 years with no issues and a bit of an oversupply. She noted that
her breasts barely changed at all between weaning and now (including
pregnancy and birth). With her second (who is now 4-5 mos) she has had to
supplement with no apparent reason and she wasn’t feeling her let-down at
all. Where it gets interesting is that she was diagnosed with mastitis
recently and after ONE day on amoxicillin, her milk is FLOWING and she’s
leaking and she’s feeling her let-down again. She thinks she won’t even
need to supplement anymore. I was thinking perhaps some sort of strange
sub-clinical mastitis/dysbiosis? I was fascinated!
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