> Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2019 09:15:20 -0400
> From: Hadassah Mann <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: prenatal breastfeeding class ideas
> Good morning. I am looking to collaborate with any of you that have given
> a breastfeeding class and have good ideas for making it
> interesting/fun/interactive. Please let em know if you do. I already have a
> good curriculum ready, just looking for enhancements. thanx
> ***********************************************
I do a thing with a light-colored balloon and lipstick to show the
difference between simply putting the nipple in the baby's mouth and the
deep asymmetrical latch. After you blow up the balloon and put on
lipstick, place your open mouth over the knot; then repeat after you've
compressed the balloon and aimed it up at your nose. It makes an easy to
see difference.
Also, tell them in advance that you'll quiz them at the end & give out
(cheap) prizes. Because your class will then be like a treasure hunt, the
information will stick better.
Julie Tardos
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