Dear Lactnet Friends:
Our job means meeting every mother where she is, exploring her beliefs and
desires, and helping her to achieve her goals.
While I often work with mothers whose parenting is technologically oriented
(and that breaks my heart) or whose view of breastfeeding is not embracing
awe (also making me sad), the truth is that it is her baby, her choice, and
her life.
There is no one-size fits all.
New mothers are often fried, and usually isolated. Breastfeeding has a
tough road still, because mothers and babies are still having the shit beat
out of them in labor and delivery. Birth is mostly technologically driven
in the US. Breastfeeding suffers as a result.
When I started working in breastfeeding, in the last century, much of my
work was in sales. I had to sell the idea of breastfeeding to healthcare
professionals and mothers alike. It wasn't the first choice for many women.
Today, in the US, about 80% of mothers want to breastfeed when they come to
the hospital to have their babies.
This link to a marvelous blog post says it very well.
We need to give good service to every type of mother. Her view of good
service will be as different as she is. I make my choice, breastfed both my
babies for years; the only situation where I had any control. She has that
right also.
Nikki Lee RN, BSN, Mother of 2, MS, IBCLC, CCE, CIMI, ANLC, CKC
Author:* Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Breastfeeding Therapy*
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