I am a Health Communication PhD Candidate and I am looking to identify breastfeeding friendly municipalities.
***Do you know of any cities that go above and beyond? If so, which ones and why?***
Here are some criteria we have been discussing:
Not a First Food Desert
- access to culturally competent lactation care providers,
- access to support groups,
- at least 41% of employers have breastfeeding support policies,
- at least 31% of child care facilities, lactation rooms are available at public locations (including museums, airports, zoos, etc)
- Baby-Friendly certified hospital within 34 minute commute,
- at least 61% of all pediatricians offer a lactation care referral,
- more than 50% of community members say they are comfortable seeing mothers breastfeed in public)
Museums, Zoos, and Libraries host breastfeeding friendly exhibits/displays
Sporting facilities/stadiums have lactation spaces and leverage their promotional power to endorse breastfeeding advocacy programs
Jails/detention centers and courts have lactation policies in place that allow female offenders to use an electric pump while separated from their child, have skin-to-skin breastfeeding sessions during visitation, and consider lactation status during sentencing and whenever possible to couple the mother/baby dyad together.
Murals and city promotional materials depict breastfeeding as a normal activity
Local media outlets run at least 3 stories per year about breastfeeding and coverage is informed, commentary is free of anti-breastfeeding or pro milk substitute jokes and punchlines, and representations of breastfeeding are not blurred out, hidden or avoided.
Local businesses have pro-breastfeeding employee leave policies (ie sick leave, paid family leave, etc)
***Any other things you have seen or have thought about that help to make a city feel especially breastfeeding friendly?***
Lissa Knudsen, MPH, PhD Candidate
University of New Mexico
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