I work with one of the most skilled bodyworkers in the world. She is a chiropractor and very experienced in treating torticollis and plagiocephaly successfully. As with so many things, provider skills are individualized.
Jennifer Tow, IBCLC, USA & France
Intuitive Parenting Network, LLC
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 14:53:58 -0500
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Unusual Tongue Lateralization
Has this baby been referred to a Physical Therapist specializing in torticollis
and plagiocephaly? Has baby had an MRI or other diagnostic studies to rule out
something else going on? To me, CST and chiropractic is not sufficient. JMHO.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lactation Information and Discussion [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Laura Spitzfaden
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 1:20 PM
Subject: Unusual Tongue Lateralization
I have been working with a mom whose infant had a very significant lip-tie that
was affecting her latch and milk transfer. Revision of this tie has been a
lifesaver and has totally transformed her breastfeeding abilities. Previously,
Baby could not maintain her latch for a feeding and could not drain breasts. Mom
had to pump and offer supplemental bottle-feeds to satisfy Baby. Now Baby can
drain breasts and is satisfied with just breastfeeding.
This baby also had significant structural issues, with cranial asymmetry, head
turning to one side, arching and mild strabismus. She has had one CST
appointment and will be receiving more treatment along with additional
chiropractic care.
The most unusual finding was that while Baby can lateralize her tongue evenly,
from side-to-side, she does so to the opposite side of gum stimulation. When I
trace a finger to the right side of her gums, she lateralizes to the left and
vice versa.
Has anyone encountered this with another infant and what is the significance?
Laura Spitzfaden, LLLL, IBCLC, APL
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