Hi all,
A breastfeeding support group mom has asked me via email about a mom in her
group. Her 18 mo baby has been diagnosed type I diabetes and is currently
in the ICU. The doctors have told the mom she must wean since on demand
breastfeeding makes it impossible to control the baby´s blood sugar and
decide the amount of insulin he must receive.
I know this is not true and that it can be done, but I have never had a
client or near-by case so I have no experience. Browsing the web and the
Lactnet archives, I´ve found nothing that´s clear or systematic (mother
testimonials, yes, a few).
Can any of you tell me where to find information about this? Any *guidelines
for breastfed diabetic babies*???
Kika in Madrid
Dra. Carmela Baeza
Médico de Familia
Consultora Certificada en Lactancia Materna IBCLC
Autora de "Amar con los Brazos Abiertos"
Comprometida con el Derecho a Vivir
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