I am very lucky to have a pediatric group who writes prescriptions for Domperidone from a local compounding pharmacy. However, the lead pediatrician, who spearheaded my efforts to get physician RXs, is now concerned over a new article on Medscape warning against off label use of Domperidone. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/824160?src=emailthis.
Does anyone have any feedback on this from physicians in your area? I don't want to lose out on moms getting the Domperidone in our community, but this article makes it sound risky. My first thoughts are that Reglan carries far more risk, however when the docs see these types of warnings, they become reluctant to put themselves "on the line". I'm interested in hearing from the physicians on LACTNET. Thank you!
Brenda Phipps, BS, IBCLC
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