frankly I'm flabbergasted about discussing scales for $700 dollars and accuracy to 2 grams. I wonder how they are being used. I can see using a scale like that in the NICU, but not for everyday in home use. I 've had a SECA for about 5 years now. Easy to carry-nice handle-cost $250 and weighs in grams or oz to the 3rd decimal point. I can't remember the brand name of the one before that, sorry :-) I've been doing this for many years, took the exam in 1985. I've never done a pre and post weight :-( You can tell in other ways if baby got a belly full and I look for those. I think pre and post weights are so scary for mom, who already doubts her supply. I'm not sure what I'm trying to say here, just pondering....Pat in SNJ
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