I got behind while away from home and am only now catching up. Tina
Revai sent a post on 24 November with this subject heading. The post
mentioned two documents developed in BC, and I quote:
"The second makes a case for collaborative effort to create a decision
support tool for families who want to sleep with their infant.
We wanted to share these documents with other like-minded advocates to
share stories and support in similar efforts and to give ideas to
those who might want to plan something similar in their region."
The Infant Sleep Information Source, based at University of Durham in
England, is a resource everyone should be aware of. Gold mine, no
less. I was privileged to hear Helen Ball's latest update on infant
sleep location last week, always a treat. The ISIS website continues
to grow. https://www.isisonline.org.uk/
Rachel Myr
Kristiansand, Norway
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