What has happended since we started scripting the feeding choice - it is amazing
Most of the mothers we looked at our first time mother's - those we found more apt to want casual supplementation
June 2013 - about 27% recieved NO supplement
May 2014 - 69% none
A lot of factors have gone into elimentation of casual supplementation but asking the question was
the first step in informed decesion making for the mother's and consistent words and support for nurse.
Tiny step - we found we had to clarify what "we" meant and what would happen when mothers choose to breasfeeding.
Tiny step - do you plan to breast or bottle feed has become - tell us your feeding plans and then address the misconception that introduce the "need for formula"
We had to find out when and why babies were supplemented before we could address solutions
Casual supplementation at our hopsital could be group into three big time
1. 9 pm to 7 am - mom's want to sleep - assumption - can't sleep all night if your baby is breastfeeding so send them back to the nursery
2. baby wants to eat more often at night - assumption - I must not have enough milk
3. baby is sleepy - assumption - has to eat that 1 tsp at 4-6 hours or blood sugar will get low
Change is slow but there has been remarkable buy in and changes being made
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