Permission to post: I spoke with a mom this morning about a recent issue with her 3m after consuming large amounts of walnuts. She stated that baby developed a full body rash (hives) within 5-10m of nursing. She called 911 and baby was evaluated in the ER. ER MD concluded the episode was likely due to a tree nut allergy and advised mom to avoid all tree nuts. Mom has been doing that, but in the 3 days since the incident baby is still getting a few hives after breastfeeding. She called me after she read that casein can cause issues for up to two weeks (or more) after removal from the diet. She was wondering how long the tree nut proteins would continue to linger in breastmilk? She said the hives only last 10min or so now and then disappear. Her pedi is aware and she has a scheduled follow-up tomorrow.
Sandra Jean Taylor, BS BPC CLEC
WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor
Northwest Valley Public Health Office
Albuquerque, NM
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