girl born in august after a c sectio inclusive vacuum extraction
today I met this little girl 3 month. she had a frenulotomie twice, the first as she was 1 week old. the effect was good, the clicking sound were gone. she drunk fine at the breast. after a few week she started to drink with clik sound as if she swallowed air during her feeds, So after a new consultation revised again for frenulotomie inclu the upper lip, drinking did not improve She stay's in the childdepartment because failure to thrive (60 gr in 3 weeks time)
orale assesment; strech tong + lift cupping ok She can not get an vacuum. not at the breast as at the bottle. pediater cant find a shizis. this child is active and alert and evelepment is normale . thus any one have an idee wat could be the course of this drinking techniek or ho we can turn it into a normale drinking techniek,
i do have a video but don t know how to put that on lactnet
hope you bring me some input
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