Hi Patty, Will these do? I've referred to them before with OBs and found they were useful. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1002/14651858.CD004074.pub3/asset/CD004074.pdf;jsessionid=3C6CFFB3C6D13DF1CAA92500380FE502.f02t01?v=1&t=hsfc565u&s=da68069e1224e8f33261f21c6a38d42c983f2a7c http://www.bmj.com/content/335/7615/312 Good luck, Louise *********************************************** Archives: http://community.lsoft.com/archives/LACTNET.html To reach list owners: [log in to unmask] Mail all list management commands to: [log in to unmask] COMMANDS: 1. To temporarily stop your subscription write in the body of an email: set lactnet nomail 2. To start it again: set lactnet mail 3. To unsubscribe: unsubscribe lactnet 4. To get a comprehensive list of rules and directions: get lactnet welcome