Baby with 38wk gest, vag deliv, stooled 3 X in hospital stay, went 1 wk no
stool, and since then stools small vol of very brown stool. Feeding
pattern normal freq, but wt gain very slow. BW 7#9oz disch 7#3oz, at 19
is 6# 12.6oz.
Mom has Hygenia pump, cannot pump more than 5ml. Supplements with
formula (reluctantly) 2 oz per day. Given as last feeding before midnight.
Mom assessed for retained placenta, not for thyroid yet. No drugs or B.C.
Pedi "not worried about lack of stooling" but is still being seen 1X/wk
for wt check. At satellite office, so no one is doing pre/post wt, so I
have requested she have this done today at a mom support group (with LC).
She also revealed today that the iron supplement she is taking is 325mg.
Has been taking since discharge. This is an aggressive amount, despite
blood loss at birth. She will d/c this today, and will see OB on Monday
Michelle Scott, MA, RD/LD, IBCLC
Pediatric Dietitian/Lactation Consultant
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603 801-9140
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