Hello all,
I have PTP. I have a few questions about progesterone and starting birth
control before 6 weeks. Can the progestin-only contraceptives affect milk
supply if started before 6 weeks? Everything that I can find only talks
about after 6 weeks. Is this because they can impact milk supply before 6
weeks? Or just because they don't measure it before 6 weeks?
I have a client who was receiving progesterone shots during her pregnancy
to prevent premature labor. Her first baby was premature, so she received
the shots during her second pregnancy, and that baby was full-term. This
was her third pregnancy, and she received the shots again, and this baby
was born 4 weeks early. The baby is now 2.5 weeks old, and she started
Micronor 4 days ago. She gets migraines, but while receiving the
progesterone shots during the pregnancy, she didn't have any headaches.
During the first two weeks after the birth, she started getting headaches
again, and they were getting to be severe. But then since starting the
Micronor, her headaches have gotten better. I have read that there can be
a connection between progesterone levels and headaches, and so I was
wondering about this.
However, also since starting the Micronor, she feels like her milk supply
might be lagging. Would it impact milk supply that quickly (within just a
couple of days?), and can it affect milk supply if started before 6 weeks?
Many thanks for any insights you have to share!
Sonya Shaver, BS, CHES, IBCLC
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