What a marvellous response to Germaine Lambergs' request, and useful
to all of us! Thank you so much. While filing away your post for
future reference, I also found this for Germaine:
Simona Di Mario, Pacifiers and breastfeeding, Breastfeeding Briefs
No. 54, March 2013, available on the IBFAN website at
I was very interested to hear about your previous work in this
area. Is there any possibility that you might have looked at a
possible connection between infant sucking needs and the development
of cognitive/motor skills?? I ask because of my concern about the
recommendation for cup-feeding in developing countries for babies who
cannot be breastfed - I've known of two cases of developmental delay
which only resolved after orphaned African babies being cared for by
their grandmothers and exclusively cup-fed were finally fed with bottles.
Pamela Morrison IBCLC
Rustington, England, formerly Harare, Zimbabwe
At 05:01 11/02/2014, you wrote:
>Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 23:29:02 -0500
>From: Debra Swank <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Part I: Response to request for research studies on
>association of pacifiers with premature cessation of exclusive breastfeeding
>Germaine Lambergs recently requested research studies regarding the
>relationship between the use of pacifiers and shorter duration of
>breastfeeding. While working on a manuscript about
>sensory-perceptual-motor learning toward motor control in the
>acquisition of infant milk-feeding skills (working title: "More Than
>Reflexes: Learning, Forgetting, and Relearning Infant Breastfeeding
>Skills"), I've gathered quite a few journal articles with data from
>29 countries correlating the use of an artificial nipple, including
>pacifiers, with shorter breastfeeding duration. Germaine, the
>studies below address early cessation of exclusive
>breastfeeding. An upcoming post or posts will include studies on
>the use of artificial nipples, including pacifiers, with shorter
>duration of any breastfeeding............
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