Similar situation for one of my granddaughters. And I always understood that this is okay for exclusively BrFd babies, but only beginning around 6 to 8 weeks of age. Exception: formula fed babies might be really constipated if they don't stool daily.
Frantic call from DIL in Calif: when DGD was 6 weeks old. She's not pooping!!! Went thru my checklist of s/s eating, growing, weight, pees, sleeping, behavior, color, etc.... All normal. Nothing different. Only problem was frequency, and resulting quantity of poos. So I told DIL to just watch her & report if stool is dry, formed, painful to pass.
Seems DGD set herself on an every Thursday kind of thing. Then she had the usual blowout, or stooled very often all day. It was always normal sloppy, generally yellow, pungent odor... Then nothing again for another week. This lasted for a couple of months. Then for no explainable reason, she started pooing daily again.
Good thing the Pedi she took the kids to was not all upset about this chain of events.
---- Jeanette Panchula <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I also had a child who only stooled once a week - on Sunday - and I had to carry clothes with me for him and for me!
HOWEVER, I'm wondering if the solution that particular child developed for HIS non-stooling son might be more helpful. He sat in a couch with his legs propped up (a V at the hip) then put the baby on his lap so that he was sitting inside that V - this led (in my visualization of the baby's anus) to abdominal pressure due to the position and an opening of the legs and the anal area.
Dad called it the "pooping position" and it worked like a charm daily for weeks! Eventually it was not needed, although they still used it, as it gave dad and son face to face "guy time" together...
Jeanette Panchula, BSW, RN, PHN, IBCLC
Vacaville, CA, USA
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