I really like the community on mothering.com forums - there is a section for 'breastfeeding challenges' where the mothers are extremely supportive. There is a specific thread called 'exclusive pumpers tribe' with something like 1700 posts in it:) The link is http://www.mothering.com/community/t/462944/exclusive-pumpers-tribe. Yahoo has two groups - but I don't know them personally - Pumpmoms http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/PumpMoms/ and 'EPers' http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EPers/ . The EPers group is probably not what you are looking for as they describes themselves as a group "not for mothers who choose to pump exclusively; nor is it for mums
who pump part-time and nurse part-time. It is only for mothers of babies who are
completely unable to nurse." direct quote. I include the link because it may have some interesting stories. Alice FarrowLLL Leader, Rome
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