The mom is still in the hospital with the babies, and they are
apparently keeping a close eye on how much she pumps... The latest
development is that mom has been "forbidden" to hold the babies since
yesterday until at least Monday, the rationale apparently being that
this stresses them, and less handling will make them gain more weight
more quickly.
Pamela (developing a strong sense of how new mothers can so easily be
coerced into complying with whatever medical pronouncement is made...)
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 09:44:14 -0400
From: "Jessica L. Callahan" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Pre-term triplets, need refs for human milk feeding
If a mother has breastmilk at home and she is pumping how will the
staff know if the milk she is bringing in is hers or another mother's
do they test it somehow? If mother is comfortable with the 'donated'
breastmilk that she has and plans to use it once the children are
home if she pumps and adds to it how will the staff know the
difference when she brings the milk in. For all they know maybe her
milk production volume just increased overnight :)
Jessica Callahan
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