When I clicked on your link the picture came up in bright full color. Behind it and in shadow, was the web page where this photo came from. It was Triangle Breastfeeding Alliance which is a breastfeeding coalition in North Carolina. It appears the still image comes out of Jane Morton's online Stanford video on Hand Expressing. Obviously TBA has permission to post the link and the still image. So it looks like you have to go back to Dr. Motorn for permission to use the still image in your presentation. Maybe someone at TBA can give you an effective means of contact to seek that permission. I'm right behind you. I would love to use that image in a similar college class. Phyllis ---- Laura Spitzfaden <[log in to unmask]> wrote: ============= I am looking for a photo of hand expression of colostrum that I may use in a power point presentation. I have found many excellent photos online but I have not been able to get permission for the use of any of them. Does anyone have or know of such a photo? I really like this one but I don't even know its origin. http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=80m&sa=X&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&biw=1024&bih=582&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=4vPz6YKZdUvnyM:&imgrefurl=http://www.nctba.org/featured/hand-expression-video-link/&docid=khE8isMKlQz5nM&imgurl=http://www.nctba.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/handexpressionspoon.jpg&w=270&h=201&ei=GnSJULLkBNDiyAGghoDIDg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=137&vpy=309&dur=7661&hovh=160&hovw=216&tx=93&ty=121&sig=105476092712906700439&page=1&tbnh=149&tbnw=209&start=0&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0,i:84 Laura Spitzfaden, LLLL, IBCLC *********************************************** Archives: http://community.lsoft.com/archives/LACTNET.html To reach list owners: [log in to unmask] Mail all list management commands to: [log in to unmask] COMMANDS: 1. To temporarily stop your subscription write in the body of an email: set lactnet nomail 2. To start it again: set lactnet mail 3. To unsubscribe: unsubscribe lactnet 4. To get a comprehensive list of rules and directions: get lactnet welcome -- Phyllis Adamson, BA, IBCLC, RLC Glendale, AZ. [log in to unmask] *********************************************** Archives: http://community.lsoft.com/archives/LACTNET.html To reach list owners: [log in to unmask] Mail all list management commands to: [log in to unmask] COMMANDS: 1. To temporarily stop your subscription write in the body of an email: set lactnet nomail 2. To start it again: set lactnet mail 3. To unsubscribe: unsubscribe lactnet 4. To get a comprehensive list of rules and directions: get lactnet welcome