>According to Dr. Arthur Strauss
>auss-on-sleep-apnea.aspx> , a dental physician and a diplomat of the
>American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine, our mouths have progressively
>gotten smaller through the generations due to lack of breastfeeding and poor
Sorry.....this is preposterous, is it not?
Evolutionary change happens w.....a.....y slower than this. It's
only very recently, in evolutionary terms, that most humans have not
been breastfed for at least a couple of years.
Height and growth are influenced by nutrition in indivduals and
indivdually , but the configuration of facial features or organs
takes a long, long, long, long, long time to change.
In fact, nutrition has improved over the most recent generations (in
terms of quantity). That's why in developed countries, our own kids
are taller, on average, than their grandparents, and certainly their
great- and great-great grandparents.
Heather Welford Neil
NCT bfc, tutor, UK
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