Amy writes:
"A mom who returns to work at 6 weeks will probably have a baby who is
more willing to accept a bottle than a mom returning to work at 4 months who
follows the same advice. Mothers deserve to know the potential risk in
waiting (and ways to overcome refusal if she chooses to wait), and then it is
the mom's decision of when to introduce"
I would take this a step farther and say mothers also deserve to know the
potential risks and consequences in giving a bottle earlier than needed. A
baby at 6 weeks might be more willing to accept a bottle, but may also be
more vulnerable to breast refusal as well. If a mom is going back to work at
4-6 months, it's sad to think that baby will be getting many unnecessary
bottles ( and the potential affect on the palate), mom spending time pumping
when she could be nursing, just enjoying settling in to her love of her
baby and confidence in her body without the need for machinery and feeding
devices coming between them. There was a study that showed that statistically
babies seem just as likely to accept easily, or accept with strategies, or
go through some bottle refusal ) at different ages, ( 1 month, 2 months,
and 3-6 months) in Breastfeeding Answers Made Simple. ( Admittedly this is a
1991 study, but I haven't seen a more recent one.)This fear of mothers that
baby will never take a bottle is possibly more problematic/ US centric
since we have such lousy Maternity Protection and many moms have to go back to
work ridiculously early, just as they are feeling good and confident.
Also my knowledge might be out of date since I thought I read that 3-4 months
was when sucking moves from reflexive to voluntary. I do remember reading
that somewhere and it made a lot of sense, since I have seen babies who took
bottles early on start refusing them at this age( when they seemed to be
able to do something about the fact that they never felt safe or in control
in the first place, with fast flow, big bottles that didn't feel right....)
Is there a good study that shows this I can read? I admit I really envy
people who work where moms don't have to stress out about "getting" their
baby to take a bottle so early, or ever...
Judy LeVan Fram, PT, IBCLC, LLLL
Brooklyn, NY, USA
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