Coach Smith here again. QUIT the infighting and squabbling, please!
When we have 95% breastfeeding initiation everywhere in the world; exclusive
breastfeeding till 6 months in the vast majority of women, and continued
breastfeeding till 2+ or more years as the mother and baby desires, THEN and
only then might this kind of discussion be appropriate.
My personal position: I've been a LLL Leader since 1974. I was involved in
the formation of ILCA and the IBLCE exam. I recertify by IBLCE exam on
schedule. I'd love to complete the Advanced Lactation Counselor/Advanced
Nurse Lactation Counselor course and earn that credential, and plan to do so
as soon as my schedule permits. I regularly encounter CLCs, peer counselors,
LLL Leaders (etc.) in the courses I teach.
In my book, the MORE people with breastfeeding knowledge and appropriate
skills that are around, the BETTER. There's PLENTY of room for many
approaches to helping breastfeeding mothers & babies. I've written about
this many times, including a piece on my site originally written in 1998 and
updated in 2008.
No team wins the Super Bowl, Stanley Cup, NCAA Basketball Championship,
World Series (etc.) with only ONE kind of player. Every winning teams'
members wears the same color shirt, from the star quarterback to the goalie
to the bookkeepers and the people in the publicity department. Locker-room
fights are deadly to any team's chance of success, and can be especially
nasty among women's sports teams. A long-standing rule of good sportsmanship
goes something like this: "Play Hard, Play Fair, and Everybody WINS."
Whatever our lactation-related training, experience and credential(s), our
"competition" as lactation care providers is NOT:
* hospital lactation programs
* Peer Counselors
* La Leche League Leaders and other Mother-support group leaders
* Doctors and other licensed health care providers
* CLCs, CLEs and others with various amounts of breastfeeding
When we fight among ourselves. The formula companies laugh.All the way to
the bank!
Bright Future Lactation Resource Centre Ltd.
6540 Cedarview Ct., Dayton OH 45459-1214
Ph 937-438-9458 / fax 937-438-3229 <>
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