Hi Susan
I was about to post the NY Times article link too - I do admire Nick Kristof
and always follow his articles. However I first took the time to respond in
the comments section and hope that others will too. Your own comments as a
nutrition expert who has lived in Niger and understand the situation will be
valuable. Once again, it's at
My own particular gripe with the article is the line about formula feeding
in USA being "pretty safe". I hunted for your Surgeon General's report (??
Maybe it was from elsewhere?) where it said that 907 babies, or some such
figure, died from not being breastfed last year, but I could not find it.
A small point from your letter, though - as far as I know, Niger has
always been Niger. Zaire alternates between being one of the Congos or not.
Currently it's the Democratic Republic of Congo. :-)
Best wishes
Jacquie Nutt IBCLC
South Africa
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