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Pat Young <[log in to unmask]>
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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 13 Jul 2011 15:04:31 -0400
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I received this info through my contact as a pediatric nurse practitioner.  I'm not sure if it is US-centric or not.  But as US bad habits have invaded the rest of the world, it probably applies to the whole world.

A new book on Black women and breastfeeding is looking for contributors.  http://itsbetterathome.wordpre&#8203;

"Mother's Day 2011, two mamabloggers swarmed the internet with intimate and loving images of Black women Breastfeeding.  It's a powerful message, creating community and demanding space in the discourse of maternal and child wellness specific to Black women.  These images were shared in hopes to encourage and validate our choice as Black Mothers to parent our babies as we choose.  Something that was once legacy and inherent to Black culture has thus become such  a revolutionary act.

With the bombardment of free formula samples given to us at prenatal visits, delivered to us in our mail, offered to us in our social service offices, pushed at community events, breastfeeding has become and been deemed more "complicated" than ever.  The message that is being sent to Black women is that when it comes to breastfeeding, it is simply to   hard, takes too much time,   is unclean and/or unnatural.  All of these ideas (and more) have perpetuated the myth amongst health care providers and professionals that BLACK WOMEN DO NOT BREASTFEED.  With only 110 Baby Friendly Hospitals in the US( out of over 10,000 hospitals total) where Black mamas reference to receive the love, support and encouragement to fulfill their breastfeeding destiny?

This book/anthology will be an extension of the Brown Mamas Breastfeeding Project.  We aim to create discourse on Black women and breastfeeding, to display how breastfeeding is a part of our culture and legacy, to examine the social, emotional, and physical barriers to breastfeeding, to exhibit examples of perseverance when the breastfeeding gets tough, and to provide tips on how to maintain the breastfeeding relationship if you and the baby are separated, while simultaneously sharing stories, images and creative works of and by real breastfeeding Black mamas.

Submissions to be considered:

*Photos (must be 300 dpi or greater.  Most digital cameras satisfy this request.  Please no cell phone pictures.)


Reflections on breastfeeding (extended breastfeeding, multiples, etc.

*Poetry, songs & other creative writings (no longer than 2 pages in 12 pt Times New Roman, please)

*Original breastfeeding art

Consider these topics for your submission (no longer than 2 pages 12 pt Times New Roman, please.
*Relactation, *breastfeeding for another mama's baby, *bf in spite of what nurses, doctors, midwives told you, *bf in public spaces, *family legacies of bf, *how you've dealt with bf difficulties (engorgement, mastitis, sore/cracked nipples [tongue tied babies], *seeking support, *mother/child bond, *examples of perseverance in bf, *bf and physical challenges, *text messages or phone calls transcriptions of Black mamas supporting each other with bf [with permission of callee], anything we haven't thought of or included!

Submissions should be emailed to [log in to unmask] 

Foe more about the project visit

Get to writing about breastfeeding Black mamas! We want to hear from you!


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