If you want to know why it takes IBLCE so long to score the exam .... why
not ask them (www.iblce.org)? After all, that is the very reason they
exist: to produce, provide, score and evaluate a test that certifies the
successful participant can provide human lactation and breastfeeding support
and care.
I suspect their answer will discuss the time-consuming difficulties inherent
in retrieving some paper-based tests in over a dozen languages from around
the world; getting the translations (if needed) to suit the test-scorer's
language; evaluating the comments from everyone on every test as to which
questions were bad ones and should be thrown out; going back and re-scoring
after throwing out the baddies; alerting everyone at the same time.
-- Liz Brooks JD IBCLC FILCA
Wyndmoor, PA, USA
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