I have a mom who counts 3 nipple pores on her right breast and 1 on the left. The baby is constantly frustrated with the slow flow and comes off the breast. It still takes her 45 minutes to feed though the baby is 2 months old. She nurses for 45 minutes and then pumps and bottle feeds the baby the rest and he feeds every 3 hours. If she doesn't do that he is hungry again in 1.5 to 2 hours. Because of this pumping she has been able to keep her supply up and babe is fat and healthy, but it is all time consuming. She also has large breasts that are reddish since a month before birth and they hurt from the time they fill up (an hour after feeding) til the next feeding. For these reasons she is not enjoying breastfeeding as much as she could. I don't see an anterior tight lingual frenulum but suspect a posterior one since his suck has always been weak as well and has had difficulty latching and staying latched in addition to the taking so long. Not sure
whether it could be tongue tie or few nipple pores. Any ideas anyone?
Vicky York, IBCLC, CPD
Postpartum Care Services
references: www.ikarma.com/user/vmyork
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