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Wed, 27 Apr 2011 16:08:22 -0400
Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Julie Williams <[log in to unmask]>
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Permission to post - The next portion of this message comes directly from the Mum. 

Ok from the beginning within a few days of feeding i knew feeding wasn't quite right despite all the midwifes saying everything was going great, especially as at 10 day check he had put on weight (the midwife just commented i was producing enough milk for triplets) so then the health-visitor was too busy to come see us despite the feeding issues his Latch was not quite right and my nipple came out a funny lipstick shape and clicking noises and lots of air going in, so went to royal berkshire hospital breastfeeding clinic where the midiwife there checked his mouth and said he had a 'mild' tongue tie. I then called a private Lactation Consultant because i had been in touch with her re feeding issues and she had even suspected Tongue tie, the Gp said as he was gaining weight well they would refer him but he would be on a waiting list, so we paid to see an (IBLC) who also did Tongue tie division she diagnosed 25% posterior tongue tie and divided for us, Harry 4 weeks at this point has started arching back during and after feeds and extremelely upset when led on his back and swallowing and choking on something regularly The LC who divided his tongue said that all the symptoms we described were not all tongue tie related and said Harry was experiencing 'silent' reflux and to get some gaviscon and see the GP (the Latch seemed better after initial division but did not take long before the clicking etc started all over again) never bringing up wind we painful burps back arching arms and legs flailing and head rotating (almost spasm/fit like) after trying gaviscon for a week and just causing constipation the GP put him on ranitidine which seem to help with some discomfort but still hated lying on his back(even on a wedge) and still fought with my breast and swallowed and choked (still putting on weight well) he occasionally would spit up a bit with wind when he occasionally burped this started around 5/6 weeks also around this time i noticed he was having occaional green poo's and how much pressure/somtetimes even pain when i let down and this was also causing Harry to choke checked online and saw about over active let down and seemed to be describing everything we were experiencing and called breastfeeding helpline the BFC i spoke with agreed i should try to block feed, blockfeeding didn't seem to correct anything until i progressed to 12 hour blocks Harry seemed more comfortable and the green poos gradually disappeared (during this i had to fight with GP to increase meds as was very weight dependant and he was constantly gaining) although his poos were back to yellow but they were very explosive and strong (later found out this was due to the ranitidine) the sick we experienced whilst very irregular and occasional with wind would vary being just milk to being curdled milk never really smelly.He only ever comfortable upright even bouncer chair no good cant travel in car seat with screaming/crying and gurgling and choking when ever he laughed it caused painful hiccups no it makes him sick. I have pretty much constantly held him upright/wore him in a sling including at night to sleep. in the mean time spoke to LC Sarah Bridges about feeding she suspected tongue may have reattached and went to Eton to breastfeeding clinic where Harry was diagnosed with 40% posterior tongue tie and a week later when Harry was 12 weeks he had it re-divided she explained it had to be cut twice to release completely (2 weeks prior to this i started dairy elimination which i did for just over 4 weeks no improvement symptom wise) again latch improved( i had also been block feeding almost 8 weeks) the LC explained i should be now offering both boobs at a feed, i did this and slowly vomiting worsened and aprrox 14-15 weeks i was on anti-B due to tooth infection and Harry developed thrush in his mouth (also a rash all over his mouth and genitals which later appeared to be a reaction due to increase in medication) i have always taken probiotics daily since before being pregnant with the thrush came what sounded like a real mucous in his throat that he choked on whilst feediing and started the projectile type vomiting (he has always been congested since birth snores when sleeping) (i have been corrected that its not projectile as does not project feet it just misses Harry gets the floor/furniture) its about 5-6 table spoons worth occasionally just milk but mainly partly digested milk in a clear type liquid or just curdled milk not very smelly Harry and i treated with miconazole and clomitrazole.He is uncomfortable all day and most of the nigh but about 7-8 weeks ago he started screams out and crying like very uncomfortable pain throughout evening and night (i thought trapped wind) inconsolable unless offered a little comfort boob. Saw 1st cranial osteopath at 10 weeks ish who was certain he was refluxing but him symptoms could not be treated until reflux was managed by medication and weeks later saw a chiropractor that said the same saw a different cranial not last week, week before who has treated Harry 4 times and says he is not 'typical' reflux he couldn't feel that anything was tighter/smaller than usual and that harry perhaps has an intolerance then goes bio resonance allergy testing which results showed he was expereincing problems with oats, citrus, coffee and tomatoes (alwaya avoid coffee minus decaffe occasionally) avoid citrus always but I was eating oats daily. Saw pediatrician at 16 weeks (weighing 17 pounds) who upped ranitidine and prescribe domperidone and instructed 3 hourly day time feeds only and 4 hourly night feeds and to start solids ( we ended up coming off ranitidine due to mess up with pharmacy but rash fully cleared that gp's had been trying to treat for weeks and explosive smelly poos stopped Dr agreed he was having a reaction) at 1st there seem to be little difference but he seemes alot more uncomfortable since the domperidone seemed to increase vomiting so we stopped. if he is sat up/led down being changed he sometimes makes a groan and moaning noise and starts crying as soon as we pick him up he vomits he now vomits pretty much throughout the day more after feeds but sometimes hours after (we tried early weaning but that seem to increase discomfort especially in evening( we have no been doing puree plus rice for almost 2 weeks no better still vomits food just after.

I know some of the symptoms sound like reflux but the whole picture doesn't seem typical to me? What am I missing? This baby has always gained weight but vomits alot and is very unhappy! I have suggested to mum that Gluten might be the culprit? She did go dairy free for 5 weeks with a small improvement but has switched back. Can someone please help me with this, the poor mum is desperate! 

Thank you everyone 



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