I've been working with a mother from a distance and have permission to post. Mother is in Bronx, NY. This is her 3rd child and she nursed the first two with no issues.
Baby is 2 weeks and has yet to latch. Mother is exclusively pumping and giving bottles of breastmilk. She got very poor support in hospital (baby routinely taken away for 4 hours at a time and given formula many times against her instructions).
Mom suspects that tongue-tie might be an issue and is having a hard time finding a pediatric ENT. Can anyone recommend someone who might be willing to assess and potentially clip?
Mom acknowledges the need to work with an experienced LC in person to get baby back to the breast but money is very tight. She's already spoken with LLL on the phone but didn't learn anything she didn't already know. Can anyone recommend a free or lower cost resource who might be able to work with her hands on?
Thanks for your help!
Dana Lauducci
Branchburg, NJ
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