I would not be fighting to get another script of nystatin. It is full of sugar, which and damages the gut. Babies with long-untreated TT often already have a damaged gut.
My protocol includes probiotics for mom and baby, biotin orally for mom (and for older babies), vitamin D, silver hydrosol spray, coconut oil on the nipples and sometimes diluted baking soda in baby's mouth. NEVER gentian violet which is toxic or nystatin solution. The only way nystatin can be effective is if it ordered as a powder and the mother mixes it into suspension herself. I also use dietary measures for mom and vinegar for laundry/cleaning purposes. A healthy body should manage organisms on its own. She needs to be supported in overall health.
Jennifer Tow, IBCLC, CT, USA
Intuitive Parenting Network, LLC
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2010 21:10:41 -0700
From: Jeanette Panchula <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Candida saliva test?
A mom in my La Leche League group (she does not see me as an LC) called to ask
me what to do about a pediatrician who refuses to give another Nystatin
prescription to her baby until his saliva test comes back (6 days). Her son, who
is 22 months old, had visible, confirmed candida which was treated with nystatin
and now has no visible signs.
However, she has been having a great deal of nipple pain while treating it with
everything from nystatin cream, to Grapefruit seed extract to gentian violet
(she does a lot of website searches and has also tried to get APNO, but MD would
not prescribe it).
As she is dealing with military medical insurance, her options to access other
physicians is limited.
She reports her pain is NOT deep in the breast, and because the skin is not
visibly irritated her MD refuses to treat her. She does have one white
pimple-like cover over a duct, has done various treatments to soften and open
it, with no success. She also has been working to make sure her child latches
on correctly. (He was tongue-tied until 4 months old, had surgery, and has had
no pain while nursing until recently when the candida reared its ugly head.)
I did ask about skin color changes after breastfeeding in case we were possibly
being fooled by Raynaud's, but she said she did not notice any - even so, she
tried adding warmth to her nipple after feeding and that made no difference in
the pain she was feeling.
I've never had this question before and wondered what saliva test would be done
and how accurate it might be... Did I miss a discussion on this sort of test on
I tried to search the Archives...and didn't find anything...and if you "google"
'Candida saliva test' you seem to get a whole lot of links to websites trying to
sell you cures...
Jeanette Panchula
...always aware of how little I know!
California, USA
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