Thank you Marcia for the reference to Gooding, Finlay, Shipley, Halliwell, and Duck (2010).
The full text is available online free. I can't wait to print it out and study it, especially to discover what month(s) of lactation the subjects were in.
“This complex organ therefore has to be described in its anatomy, histology, ultrastructure, physiology, or response to hormones not as a static picture, but as a dynamic phenomenon in which each phase is transitory and heavily dependent on the age at which it is studied, and the specific conditions of the host . . . the development of the mammary gland has to be evaluated based on the architecture of the organ at each given period of time for each individual woman.”
Russo J, Russo IH Development of the Human Mammary Gland in: The Mammary Gland, Development, Regulation, and Function ed. by Neville MC, Daniels CW 1987 Plenum Press, NY. pp 67-93.
K. Jean Cotterman RNC-E, IBCLC
WIC Volunteer
Dayton OH
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